May and June are always an extremely busy time of year for most of the full-time guides. This year, with all that we have been experiencing there was no guarantee just how busy we were going to be. But thank God above for watching over us and keeping me so busy I am truly blessed.
This past week saw some of the best weather of the year in Boca Grande with light winds and sunny days the fish were all over the place, in the Passes on the beaches and on many of the shallow grass flats. The only issue is the tides we are experiencing, the big outgoing tides that pull all the crabs and shrimp out of Charlotte Harbor have been occurring in the middle of the night. This means the Tarpon are feeding like crazy on those night tides and when daylight comes they are not very hungry. We have been seeing tons of fish but getting very few takers, however these tides will be turning around this week and the big outgoings will be in the afternoon and the bite will be insane.
I had some repeat clients this week and fished doubles every day to get everyone on the boat, but it was well worth it as everyone was able to fight the King and some got to land their very first Tarpon, a feat not everyone can accomplish. One thing is for sure, the Tarpon have defiantly fallen into a pretty predictable pattern. The daylight bite from 5:30 am till 7Am has been great in the Pass, the Tarpon are all over the surface, busting the surface and eating the crabs as fast as they see them. But it is the pass and during the week its not bad but on the weekend the pass is invaded, and with all the boats running over the fish and then dropping lead through them they settle to the bottom and the real bite is over. Luckily though there have been plenty of fish in other places and most of the Pass jockey’s don’t have the know-how to be able to fish them in these areas.
This week will be another week of doubles but the bite will be much better as the tides will be in our favor this week. The incoming morning tide will have them feeding right up to the tide change, and then once the tide starts flowing out and bringing the crabs to the pass the bite will be on! As I have said in past reports if you have not had the chance to fish for Tarpon you really should give it a try. It is very addicting and turns into an annual trip for almost all that have ever tried it. If you want to give it a try, send me an email and I will put you on the Cancelation list and next years email nonfictions.
Till tomorrow tight lines,
Capt. Greg DeVault