WOOOOHOOO!! That sums up how I feel, we have finally made it to Springtime. I know the fish have been feeling it, but mother nature just wouldn’t let them break out of the cold water. Well it has finally happened, the water temps are in the high 60’s and will be above the 70 degree mark soon. Even though we have had a cold March the fishing was very good, and with the warm start to April the fishing has been even better.
The Snook have taken center stage the past week, with all my charters catching a lot of them. They were waiting on the warm water and when they got it they started to eat! there have been several days that we have had 10+ snook days and the size is getting better every moon cycle. I am starting to see the Snook on a lot of the outside points but the biggest groups are still up in the backwaters. It wont be long before they get out and really start to hunt down there food, they are very hungry.
The Redfish have not slowed down a bit, they have moved around a little bit but we are still catch very good numbers of reds. The one thing that has changed is there diet, they are starting to eat the live bait a lot better. They are still eating cut bait, but they have no problem chasing down a live sardine know. There is no certain area for them to be, they are still moving around quite abit but the numbers in the schools are getting bigger.
Our Trout fishing has stayed pretty steady all year, there are LOTS of Speckled Trout around and everyone is catching them. All you need to do to find some trout is to find a little structure, rock piles, pilings, spoil Islands, and anything else that is on the flats. The size of the Trout is not as big as normal but they are still good solid fish.
And finally the Cobia have arrived! I have been seeing several of them as I move from spot to spot. They are on the backs of the sting rays for the most part but you will see a free swimmer occasionally. They will eat just about anything you get in front of them right now, but not much will beat a pinfish if they get finicky.
I have been waiting for Spring temperatures to get here and now that they have it has finally broken loose. We are right in the middle of the best fishing of this year and it should stay for several more weeks. Enjoy the pictures of the last few charters.
Capt. Greg DeVault